I'm starting to be really okay with my sporadic posting habits. If I don't feel like posting, I just don't post: nothing wrong with that. I do feel bad that I never got around to writing about Dracula, but I have a partial draft saved so that I can make sure I post it at some point :) In the mean time, I will try to get this blog caught up on everything I've been doing for the last month! For starters, one of the reasons I didn't feel like posting any sooner was the fact that my lovely music widget has been shut down. I came to my blog a couple weeks ago to see how things were doing and maybe write a post, but found that all the hard work I put into that playlist was wasted because the entire company was shutting down!! So that's a sad thing :/ I may work on making a playlist on youtube and embedding it somewhere, but since I don't have access to my old Mixpod playlist I don't really feel like starting from scratch....